Meet the Team:

Shawn E-


"Born in Xenia Ohio started skating in middle school around 2000 and there was never a thought that I’d be at the level I’m at now. Just picked it up one day to go down the street to a friend's house. It just has fun riding it, not even knowing any tricks, just transportation. I moved to Lavergne TN in 2002 and have been here ever since. Middle TN is where I really started getting better going to triple X was my home base for years until it closed. Fast forward 20 years. I'm married with 3 boys. Lots of ups and downs but I’m still going and progressing every day in my skateboarding still. That’s what keeps me going is progressing and teaching others so they can progress too it’s very rewarding to help people land new tricks I wish I had that when I started to skateboard. I’m So happy to be a part of Khaoz skateboards it’s very humbling to be a part of it and having Cody as a friend just makes it even better. Can’t wait to see what we can accomplish in the near future 🫡"






Cody K-

My name is Cody, and I am the owner and operator of Khaoz skateboards! 

I was born and raised in Nashville Tn, but due to some family issues was adopted by my grandparents who raised me since I was 5. 


I started skateboarding around the age of 8 but didn’t really get into it until I was in middle


My 1st board was a “Zero school sucks” complete with thunder war paint trucks, red bearings, and “Zero eat me "wheels. 

After that I was hooked 

I would spend hours practicing all the tricks I had seen in different skate videos. 

I fell down more times than I could count but every time I did it was like throwing gas on a raging fire, and I wanted to land that trick even more!

As I grew up, I fell more in love with skateboarding but not just riding, but the art and the meaning in which skateboarding stands for so when I was in high school, January 9th, 2010, to be exact, 

I came up with the idea to start my own brand and by that night I came up with a name "Chaos Skateboards" my logo was simple at 1st a crunch and skateboard, a few years later I wanted to change the image because of how much my passion had grown. 

The skateboard and crutch represented what life was like for me, because I was always getting hurt from playing outside and skateboarding because I love skateboarding and that was fine but 

My brand means so much more to me now because I understand more. 

So, I decided to change the name from “Chaos” to “Khaoz” produced the same, but the different spelling represents our individuality in the industry, (this is also how I got the nickname “Cody khaoz”) but I couldn’t stop there I had to change the logo, at the time 

I was good friends with an up-and-coming tattoo artist who came up with a dope logo that really represented what my brand meant to me and my dedication to this lifestyle- 


The Skull logo represents the lifetime commitment to keeping skateboarding in the hands of skateboarders.


The “Red X” represents the blood that has been poured into the creation and development of Khaoz Skateboards. In other words, we know who we are and willing to die for it. 


It was everything skateboarding represented to me then and now.


So now that the logo has changed it was time for the brand to take a new direction, after doing some research I found a reliable manufacturer who helped me design and make my boards. 

This went on for a few years, but I knew that my brand had to become different and that is when I started to teach myself how to press my own skateboards. 

I started out building my own press and exploring the different options out there to even press a skateboard, and after looking I finally found the perfect way to do it.

3D printed molds!!

Why though you may ask because its gives me the freedom to make changes or repairs in a few hours to a few days VS a few weeks to a month.

I have complete control over the concave, of the angle of the nose and the tail. All of this helps in giving Khaoz its own unique feel and pop without taking away from the feel that everyone loves in a skateboard! 

I feel like khaoz is finally representing what skateboarding is on the inside and out! 

Take confidence knowing that when you buy from my brand, you are buying from another skateboarder because that’s exactly what I am even 15 + years later and I am still just a skateboarder making skateboards and I absolutely love it!